Ian Orwin & Kath Millar genealogy pages
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Surname List: Begins with B

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All surnames beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Baalham (2)
2. Baber (1)
3. Back (6)
4. Backman (3)
5. Bacon (4)
6. Baddeley (6)
7. Badger (2)
8. Baer (1)
9. Baggaley (2)
10. Baggs (1)
11. Bagley (2)
12. Bagshaw (2)
13. Bailes (2)
14. Bailey (19)
15. Baille (2)
16. Baillie (35)
17. Bain (19)
18. Baines (1)
19. Baird (64)
20. Baker (38)
21. Baldry (1)
22. Baldwin (1)
23. Balfour (1)
24. Ball (2)
25. Ballantyne (8)
26. Ballentine (3)
27. Ballinger (2)
28. Balls (1)
29. Balmain (3)
30. Balmer (2)
31. Balsillie (5)
32. Balson (1)
33. Bamforth (2)
34. Bammer (2)
35. Bampton (1)
36. Banbury (1)
37. Banister (1)
38. Bankier (2)
39. Banks (13)
40. Bannatyne (2)
41. Banner (1)
42. Bannerman (7)
43. Banning (5)
44. Barber (15)
45. Barcelaman (1)
46. Barclay (11)
47. Barcock (1)
48. Barden (1)
49. Barding (1)
50. Bardner (1)
51. Barker (4)
52. Barkman (1)
53. Barley (2)
54. Barlow (4)
55. Barnard (3)
56. Barnes (30)
57. Barnett (6)
58. Barnfield (1)
59. Baron (3)
60. Barr (5)
61. Barratt (4)
62. Barrenger (1)
63. Barrett (6)
64. Barrie (16)
65. Barris (1)
66. Barron (9)
67. Barrow (3)
68. Barrowman (3)
69. Barter (5)
70. Bartholomew (1)
71. Barthrop (2)
72. Bartle (2)
73. Bartlett (17)
74. Bartley (9)
75. Bartok (2)
76. Barton (5)
77. Basing (2)
78. Bass (1)
79. Bassett (3)
80. Bastall (1)
81. Bastion (3)
82. Batchelor (8)
83. Bateman (5)
84. Bates (2)
85. Bathgate (5)
86. Bathurst (1)
87. Batie (7)
88. Batt (1)
89. Battison (2)
90. Bauchop (1)
91. Baumgardner (2)
92. Bavis (1)
93. Bavisotto (1)
94. Baxter (82)
95. Bayee (1)
96. Bayne (2)
   97. Baysden (3)
98. Beach (11)
99. Beacham (1)
100. Beadle (2)
101. Beadnall (2)
102. Beahm (1)
103. Beal (2)
104. Beale (21)
105. Bean (8)
106. Bear (2)
107. Beard (1)
108. Beasell (1)
109. Beasley (5)
110. Beaton (8)
111. Beattie (8)
112. Beauchop (1)
113. Beavis (1)
114. Beazley (1)
115. Beccalake (1)
116. Bechel (1)
117. Becher (2)
118. Beck (22)
119. Beckett (1)
120. Beckford (1)
121. Beckingham (1)
122. Becksted (1)
123. Beckton (6)
124. Beddoe (1)
125. Beecham (1)
126. Beecroft (5)
127. Beeney (2)
128. Beer (5)
129. Beetler (1)
130. Beeton (7)
131. Begbie (16)
132. Begg (4)
133. Beggs (1)
134. Begley (1)
135. Beglin (2)
136. Behn (2)
137. Belbin (1)
138. Belch (1)
139. Belcher (2)
140. Bell (96)
141. Bellman (1)
142. Bells (2)
143. Belton (1)
144. Belty (1)
145. Bence (3)
146. Bendle (1)
147. Bendorf (1)
148. Benham (3)
149. Bennet (6)
150. Bennett (35)
151. Bennie (21)
152. Benny (1)
153. Benvie (5)
154. Bergen (2)
155. Bergerstock (2)
156. Berghofer (1)
157. Bergin (1)
158. Bergthorson (2)
159. Beringer (1)
160. Berlin (2)
161. Bernard (2)
162. Berridge (8)
163. Berry (11)
164. Bersterd (2)
165. Bertie (1)
166. Bertram (3)
167. Bess (2)
168. Bessant (2)
169. Best (16)
170. Beswick (2)
171. Betchley (2)
172. Bevan (2)
173. Beveridge (17)
174. Bevis (28)
175. Bewes (3)
176. Bewick (1)
177. Beynon (2)
178. Biaillie (1)
179. Biamonte (1)
180. Bibb (4)
181. Bidinger (1)
182. Bigg (1)
183. Biggins (1)
184. Biggs (1)
185. Bignaux (1)
186. Billington (2)
187. Bills (2)
188. Bingham (16)
189. Binnie (29)
190. Birch (1)
191. Bird (8)
192. Birleson (9)
   193. Birmingham (1)
194. Birnie (2)
195. Birrell (5)
196. Birthright (1)
197. Bish (3)
198. Bishop (13)
199. Biss (2)
200. Bisset (7)
201. Bissett (2)
202. Bistline (2)
203. Black (35)
204. Blackadder (1)
205. Blackford (2)
206. Blackie (2)
207. Blacklaws (1)
208. Blackley (2)
209. Blackman (14)
210. Blackmore (6)
211. Blackwell (3)
212. Blackwood (7)
213. Blaikie (2)
214. Blain (3)
215. Blair (24)
216. Blake (17)
217. Blakey (1)
218. Blanch (5)
219. Blanchfield (1)
220. Blanchford (1)
221. Bland (2)
222. Blank (6)
223. Blaser (1)
224. Blatch (3)
225. Bleasdale (2)
226. Blekonsofh (1)
227. Blewett (2)
228. Blick (2)
229. Blissett (1)
230. Bloomfield (4)
231. Blough (1)
232. Blues (2)
233. Blunson (1)
234. Blyth (6)
235. Boag (52)
236. Bobak (3)
237. Bodkin (4)
238. Bodley (2)
239. Bodman (2)
240. Body (3)
241. Bohan (1)
242. Boitz (1)
243. Bole (1)
244. Boles (1)
245. Bollains (1)
246. Bolter (2)
247. Bolton (5)
248. Bond (4)
249. Bone (2)
250. Boniface (6)
251. Bonnar (4)
252. Bonnett (1)
253. Bonsey (1)
254. Booker (2)
255. Boorman (2)
256. Booth (4)
257. Border (1)
258. Borebanks (7)
259. Borer (1)
260. Borgstrom (1)
261. Borgust (1)
262. Borham (1)
263. Boris (2)
264. Borrowman (1)
265. Borthwick (10)
266. Bosworth (1)
267. Bothwell (1)
268. Bottomley (1)
269. Botwright (5)
270. Bouchard (1)
271. Boucher (6)
272. Bound (1)
273. Bourgeois (1)
274. Bourne (14)
275. Bow (4)
276. Bowden (2)
277. Bowdidge (1)
278. Bowditch (1)
279. Bowe (1)
280. Bowen (4)
281. Bowers (3)
282. Bowes (1)
283. Bowie (8)
284. Bowles (1)
285. Bowman (7)
286. Bowmer (8)
287. Bowring (2)
288. Bowthorpe (2)
   289. Bowyer (2)
290. Boyce (4)
291. Boyd (36)
292. Boyes (2)
293. Boylan (1)
294. Boyle (5)
295. Boyne (5)
296. Boynick (1)
297. Bracher (2)
298. Bradbeer (2)
299. Bradburn (1)
300. Bradbury (4)
301. Bradford (11)
302. Bradley (5)
303. Bradshaw (37)
304. Brady (1)
305. Braes (2)
306. Bragg (2)
307. Braid (3)
308. Brain (2)
309. Brainard (2)
310. Braithwaite (1)
311. Brake (2)
312. Braley (1)
313. Bramley (1)
314. Branch (1)
315. Brand (4)
316. Brandon (2)
317. Brannigan (1)
318. Branton (2)
319. Brash (2)
320. Brasier (1)
321. Brassington (1)
322. Braten (1)
323. Bratton (2)
324. Braun (2)
325. Braund (2)
326. Brawley (3)
327. Bray (7)
328. Brayshaw (4)
329. Breads (7)
330. Bredda (2)
331. Breen (3)
332. Bremner (1)
333. Brennan (4)
334. Brett (14)
335. Brewer (8)
336. Brewis (7)
337. Brewster (2)
338. Brice (1)
339. Brickell (5)
340. Bridal (1)
341. Bridgeman (2)
342. Bridgen (2)
343. Bridges (14)
344. Brien (1)
345. Brietzke (2)
346. Briggs (2)
347. Brighton (1)
348. Brimble (29)
349. Brincat (1)
350. Brine (7)
351. Brinnin (2)
352. Briskham (2)
353. Brissenden (16)
354. Bristol (2)
355. Bristow (4)
356. Bristy (1)
357. Britt (1)
358. Britten (19)
359. Britton (5)
360. Broad (2)
361. Broadford (1)
362. Brock (78)
363. Brockett (1)
364. Brockie (6)
365. Brocksopp (2)
366. Brockway (4)
367. Brodie (84)
368. Broley (1)
369. Bromley (2)
370. Brook (11)
371. Brooke (3)
372. Brooker (3)
373. Brooks (9)
374. Broom (3)
375. Broomby (8)
376. Brophy (2)
377. Brotherton (1)
378. Brower (2)
379. Brown (175)
380. Browne (7)
381. Browning (4)
382. Brownjohn (1)
383. Brownlee (3)
384. Brownsill (1)
   385. Bruce (57)
386. Bruck (2)
387. Brumfitt (1)
388. Brunsell (1)
389. Brunton (3)
390. Bryan (1)
391. Bryant (17)
392. Bryce (54)
393. Bryden (1)
394. Bryne (2)
395. Bryson (86)
396. Buccarino (1)
397. Bucey (1)
398. Buchan (12)
399. Buchanan (15)
400. Buck (2)
401. Buckett (4)
402. Buckle (2)
403. Buckles (1)
404. Buckley (4)
405. Buckroyel (1)
406. Buckway (2)
407. Budd (4)
408. Budgen (1)
409. Buehler (18)
410. Bugler (2)
411. Buist (1)
412. Bulbeck (2)
413. Bull (17)
414. Bullard (2)
415. Bullcraig (2)
416. Bulley (1)
417. Bullivant (4)
418. Bulloch (2)
419. Bullock (29)
420. Bulpitt (2)
421. Bunce (1)
422. Bundy (14)
423. Bungey (3)
424. Bunker (1)
425. Bunn (2)
426. Bunting (3)
427. Bunton (2)
428. Bunyard (2)
429. Burbank (1)
430. Burberry (2)
431. Burbridge (2)
432. Burchall (2)
433. Burchell (2)
434. Burchers (1)
435. Burden (1)
436. Burdon (2)
437. Burgess (8)
438. Burgh (2)
439. Burke (4)
440. Burkett (1)
441. Burkhart (4)
442. Burleigh (3)
443. Burley (3)
444. Burlingame (1)
445. Burlinson (2)
446. Burmingham (1)
447. Burn (26)
448. Burnet (1)
449. Burnett (11)
450. Burnham (3)
451. Burnip (1)
452. Burns (29)
453. Burnside (4)
454. Burrell (5)
455. Burridge (1)
456. Burrows (7)
457. Burt (46)
458. Burtenshaw (1)
459. Burton (12)
460. Busby (1)
461. Buschhorn (1)
462. Bush (2)
463. Bushway (1)
464. Buss (2)
465. Butchart (3)
466. Butcher (7)
467. Butchers (1)
468. Buteux (1)
469. Butler (32)
470. Butt (2)
471. Butterfield (3)
472. Butters (2)
473. Butterworth (10)
474. Button (1)
475. Bycroft (2)
476. Bye (2)
477. Byerly (1)
478. Bylett (2)
479. Bythe (1)