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 #   Notes   Linked to 
3301 Departed on board the Lurline for Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Westwater, Leo Ronald (I38492)
3302 Departed on board the Lurline for Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Kiger, Margaret B (I38496)
3303 Departed on board the Lusitania for New York Womack, Walter Robert (I44243)
3304 Departed on board the Manica for New York, New York, USA Orwin, William Ashforth (I36604)
3305 Departed on board the Manoa for California Cable, William (I6842)
3306 Departed on board the Mauretania for Southampton Plamenatz, John Petrov (I26828)
3307 departed on board the Megantic for Montreal, Canada Aitken, Capt Joseph Magnus (I7924)
3308 Departed on board the Montlaurier for Quebec Bannatyne, Elizabeth (I44073)
3309 departed on board the Mooltan for Sydney, Australia Logie, John (I45631)
3310 Departed on board the Moreton Bay for Melbourne, Australia Watt, Marjorie Mailor (I5772)
3311 Departed on board the New York, for New York Leeder, Gerald William (I21520)
3312 Departed on board the Niagra for Vancouver Cable, Catherine (I26744)
3313 Departed on board the Normandie for New York Sabine, Julia Elizabeth (I38224)
3314 Departed on board the Nova Scotia for St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada Gillon, Alexander Gow (I38285)
3315 Departed on board the Olympia for New York, USA Plamenatz, John Petrov (I26828)
3316 Departed on board the Orduna for New York Russell, Gordon Foulis (I43934)
3317 Departed on board the Orford for Brisbane Myles, Robert Thomson (I10553)
3318 Departed on board the Osterley for Sydney, Australia Aylett, Frederick Edward (I44197)
3319 Departed on board the Parisian for Boston, Massachusetts Clydesdale, James (I38308)
3320 Departed on board the Parisian for Boston, Massachusetts Clydesdale, James (I38308)
3321 Departed on board the President Wilson for Honolulu, Hawaii Drake, Mary Alston (I5965)
3322 Departed on board the President Wilson for Honolulu, Hawaii Denig, Robert Livingston (I5966)
3323 Departed on board the Queen Elizabeth for New York Buteux, Annie Louisa (I47434)
3324 Departed on board the Queen Elizabeth for New Yotk Orwin, Olaf Johnatham Barclay (I46962)
3325 Departed on board the Queen Elizabeth for Southampton Buteux, Annie Louisa (I47434)
3326 Departed on board the Queen Mary for New York Lumsden, Robert (I43855)
3327 Departed on board the Rangitata for New Zealand Stocks, Norman Bland (I19798)
3328 Departed on board the Rangitata fro New Zealand Macadam, Mary Morton Leckie (I18511)
3329 Departed on board the Regina for Halifax, Canada Stewart, Christina Taylor (I154)
3330 Departed on board the Regina for Halifax, Canada Hannah, Robert (I257)
3331 Departed on board the Rhynland for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Evison, Percy (I31152)
3332 Departed on board the S S Sicilian for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, final destination Chicago, USA Clydesdale, Marion Allan (I38310)
3333 Departed on board the Samaria for Boston Johnson, Dr. Robert Eugene (I27007)
3334 Departed on board the Santa Margarita for New York City, New York, USA Strong, Ralph Thomas (I45228)
3335 Departed on board the Scotian for London Russell, Gavin (I24701)
3336 Departed on board the SS America for New York Malcolm, Helen Allan (I38190)
3337 Departed on board the SS America for New York Robertson, William Watson (I38191)
3338 Departed on board the SS Baltic for Boston, Massachussetts Taylor, William John (I39639)
3339 Departed on board the SS Melita for Montreal, Canada Henderson, Alexander (I8813)
3340 Departed on board the SS Montclare for Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada Henderson, John (I10324)
3341 Departed on board the SS PESARO for New York Christie, Victor James Watson (I38051)
3342 Departed on board the Transylvannia for New York Beaton, Annie (I37295)
3343 Departed on board the Tunisian for Quebec, Canada Giles, James Stirling (I37229)
3344 Departed on board the Turakina for Auckland, New Zealand Russell, James Scott (I4991)
3345 Departed on board the Turakina for Wellington, New Zealand Piper, Frank (I178)
3346 Departed on board the USMS Henry Gibbins for Southampton, Hampshire, England Fowler, Richard Harold (I37715)
3347 Departed on board the Waimana for Sydney, Australia Allison, James Naismith (I23649)
3348 Departed on board the Waimana for Sydney, Australia Allison, Mary Ellen (I23650)
3349 Departed on board the Waimana for Sydney, Australia Naismith, Elizabeth Liddle (I15898)
3350 Departed on board the Waimana for Sydney, Australia Allison, Agnes (I17234)

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