# |
Notes |
Linked to |
3301 |
Departed on board the Lurline for Honolulu, Hawaii, USA | Westwater, Leo Ronald (I38492)
3302 |
Departed on board the Lurline for Honolulu, Hawaii, USA | Kiger, Margaret B (I38496)
3303 |
Departed on board the Lusitania for New York | Womack, Walter Robert (I44243)
3304 |
Departed on board the Manica for New York, New York, USA | Orwin, William Ashforth (I36604)
3305 |
Departed on board the Manoa for California | Cable, William (I6842)
3306 |
Departed on board the Mauretania for Southampton | Plamenatz, John Petrov (I26828)
3307 |
departed on board the Megantic for Montreal, Canada | Aitken, Capt Joseph Magnus (I7924)
3308 |
Departed on board the Montlaurier for Quebec | Bannatyne, Elizabeth (I44073)
3309 |
departed on board the Mooltan for Sydney, Australia | Logie, John (I45631)
3310 |
Departed on board the Moreton Bay for Melbourne, Australia | Watt, Marjorie Mailor (I5772)
3311 |
Departed on board the New York, for New York | Leeder, Gerald William (I21520)
3312 |
Departed on board the Niagra for Vancouver | Cable, Catherine (I26744)
3313 |
Departed on board the Normandie for New York | Sabine, Julia Elizabeth (I38224)
3314 |
Departed on board the Nova Scotia for St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada | Gillon, Alexander Gow (I38285)
3315 |
Departed on board the Olympia for New York, USA | Plamenatz, John Petrov (I26828)
3316 |
Departed on board the Orduna for New York | Russell, Gordon Foulis (I43934)
3317 |
Departed on board the Orford for Brisbane | Myles, Robert Thomson (I10553)
3318 |
Departed on board the Osterley for Sydney, Australia | Aylett, Frederick Edward (I44197)
3319 |
Departed on board the Parisian for Boston, Massachusetts | Clydesdale, James (I38308)
3320 |
Departed on board the Parisian for Boston, Massachusetts | Clydesdale, James (I38308)
3321 |
Departed on board the President Wilson for Honolulu, Hawaii | Drake, Mary Alston (I5965)
3322 |
Departed on board the President Wilson for Honolulu, Hawaii | Denig, Robert Livingston (I5966)
3323 |
Departed on board the Queen Elizabeth for New York | Buteux, Annie Louisa (I47434)
3324 |
Departed on board the Queen Elizabeth for New Yotk | Orwin, Olaf Johnatham Barclay (I46962)
3325 |
Departed on board the Queen Elizabeth for Southampton | Buteux, Annie Louisa (I47434)
3326 |
Departed on board the Queen Mary for New York | Lumsden, Robert (I43855)
3327 |
Departed on board the Rangitata for New Zealand | Stocks, Norman Bland (I19798)
3328 |
Departed on board the Rangitata fro New Zealand | Macadam, Mary Morton Leckie (I18511)
3329 |
Departed on board the Regina for Halifax, Canada | Stewart, Christina Taylor (I154)
3330 |
Departed on board the Regina for Halifax, Canada | Hannah, Robert (I257)
3331 |
Departed on board the Rhynland for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | Evison, Percy (I31152)
3332 |
Departed on board the S S Sicilian for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, final destination Chicago, USA | Clydesdale, Marion Allan (I38310)
3333 |
Departed on board the Samaria for Boston | Johnson, Dr. Robert Eugene (I27007)
3334 |
Departed on board the Santa Margarita for New York City, New York, USA | Strong, Ralph Thomas (I45228)
3335 |
Departed on board the Scotian for London | Russell, Gavin (I24701)
3336 |
Departed on board the SS America for New York | Malcolm, Helen Allan (I38190)
3337 |
Departed on board the SS America for New York | Robertson, William Watson (I38191)
3338 |
Departed on board the SS Baltic for Boston, Massachussetts | Taylor, William John (I39639)
3339 |
Departed on board the SS Melita for Montreal, Canada | Henderson, Alexander (I8813)
3340 |
Departed on board the SS Montclare for Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada | Henderson, John (I10324)
3341 |
Departed on board the SS PESARO for New York | Christie, Victor James Watson (I38051)
3342 |
Departed on board the Transylvannia for New York | Beaton, Annie (I37295)
3343 |
Departed on board the Tunisian for Quebec, Canada | Giles, James Stirling (I37229)
3344 |
Departed on board the Turakina for Auckland, New Zealand | Russell, James Scott (I4991)
3345 |
Departed on board the Turakina for Wellington, New Zealand | Piper, Frank (I178)
3346 |
Departed on board the USMS Henry Gibbins for Southampton, Hampshire, England | Fowler, Richard Harold (I37715)
3347 |
Departed on board the Waimana for Sydney, Australia | Allison, James Naismith (I23649)
3348 |
Departed on board the Waimana for Sydney, Australia | Allison, Mary Ellen (I23650)
3349 |
Departed on board the Waimana for Sydney, Australia | Naismith, Elizabeth Liddle (I15898)
3350 |
Departed on board the Waimana for Sydney, Australia | Allison, Agnes (I17234)