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3151 |
Dennis is a Doctor of Medicine, working , as a GP, and living in Canada.
Went to Canada approximately 1976. | Gardiner, Dennis Clark M.D. (I9921)
3152 |
Depared Falmouth, England on board the "British Dominion" for Abadan, Iran
| Roberts, Martha Dunlop (I26004)
3153 |
depart for the UK onboard the Atheen. | Hynd, Herbert (I24994)
3154 |
Depart on flighrt BOAC 602/371 for London | Orwin, Olaf Johnatham Barclay (I46962)
3155 |
Departd on board the President Jackson for Seattle, Washington, USA | Clinton, Florence Devina (I5802)
3156 |
Departd on board the President Jackson for Seattle, Washington, USA | Drake, Edward Ott (I5963)
3157 |
Departd on board the President Jackson for Seattle, Washington, USA | Drake, John Nicholas (I5964)
3158 |
Departd on board the President Jackson for Seattle, Washington, USA | Drake, Mary Alston (I5965)
3159 |
Departe on board the Pretorian for Montreal, Canada | Aitken, James (I32697)
3160 |
Departed Bombay, India, onboard the "Franconia" | Baxter, David Fraser (I14200)
3161 |
Departed Bombay, India, onboard the "Franconia" | Stanford, Margaret Cowie Walker (I14215)
3162 |
Departed Bombay, India, onboard the "Franconia" | Baxter, Donald Kidd (I14220)
3163 |
Departed Bristol onboard the Royal George for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
| Ginn, Henry George (I3612)
3164 |
Departed Bristol onboard the Royal George for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
| Featherby, Ethel Kate (I3616)
3165 |
Departed Brroklyn New York onboard the Toloa | Christie, Byron Ralph (I39430)
3166 |
Departed Cherbourg,France onboard the Bremen | Aitken, Sir John William Maxwell 2nd Baron Beaverbrook (I8896)
3167 |
Departed Dover, England for St Kitts, Barbados onboard the "Oranje Nassau" | Hughes, Frances Ella Marguerite (I8900)
3168 |
Departed Dover, England for St Kitts, Barbados onboard the "Oranje Nassau" | Aitken, Dr. Arthur Noble (I7926)
3169 |
departed for Australia | Orwin, Noble (I36655)
3170 |
Departed for Australia onboaed the Balnarald | Walton, Francis Henry Coghlan (I36719)
3171 |
Departed for Bombay, India onboard the "Empire Windrush" | Baxter, David Fraser (I14200)
3172 |
Departed for Brisbane, Australia onboard the "Moreton Bay" | Smee, Walter (I15629)
3173 |
Departed for Brisbane, Australia onboard the "Moreton Bay" | Smee, Albert Walter (I15630)
3174 |
Departed for for Port Said, Egypt onboard the Baradine
| Gentry, Francis George (I697)
3175 |
Departed for Gibraltar onboard the Orion | Corbett, Reginald Charles Uvedale (I35533)
3176 |
Departed for Gibraltar onboard the Orion | Murray, Patricia E H (I35548)
3177 |
Departed for Lisbon on board the "Highland Brigade" | Aitken, Agnes Jean Thomson (I8881)
3178 |
Departed for Lisbon on board the "Highland Brigade" | McLintock, Sir Thomson 2nd Baronet McLintock (I10377)
3179 |
Departed for Montreal | MacKerrell, Jeannie Steele (I17074)
3180 |
Departed for Montreal | MacKerrell, Jeannie Steele (I17074)
3181 |
Departed for New York onboard the Queen Elizabeth | Jarvis, Mildred (I29842)
3182 |
Departed for New York onboard the Queen Elizabeth | Nicholes, Celia M (I29859)
3183 |
Departed for Singapore on board the Oranje | Pankhurst, Eric Henry Roger (I5207)
3184 |
Departed for Singapore on board the Oranje | Barnett, Peggy Eileen (I5223)
3185 |
Departed for USA onboard the Sea Ray | Nicholes, Celia M (I29859)
3186 |
Departed for USA onboard the Sea Ray | Nicholes, Celia M (I29859)
3187 |
Departed from London on board the "Hobsons Bay" for Melbourne | Aitken, Agnes Jane (I8364)
3188 |
Departed from London on board the "Hobsons Bay" for Melbourne | Aitken, Agnes Jane (I8364)
3189 |
Departed from London onbard the "Eurioides" for Australia | Douglas, George (I26707)
3190 |
Departed fror USA onboard the Furnessia | Hynd, Herbert (I24994)
3191 |
Departed Glasgow | Millar, Matthew (I29345)
3192 |
Departed Glasgow | Williams, Margaret (I29346)
3193 |
Departed Glasgow | Millar, Kathleen (I29347)
3194 |
Departed Glasgow onboard the Pretorian for Montreal | Boag, George Henderson (I28377)
3195 |
Departed Greenock on board the "Regina" for Canada | Myles, Sarah Currie Graham (I29134)
3196 |
Departed Greenock on board the "Regina" for Canada | Pryde, Lily Whyte (I12848)
3197 |
Departed Greenock on board the Minnedosa bound for Quebec, Canada | Myles, Isabella Henderson Rankine (I5506)
3198 |
Departed Liverpool for Bombay, India on board the City of Paris | Ost, Dorothy Edith May (I30077)
3199 |
Departed Liverpool for Bombay, India on board the City of Paris | Edmonds, Francis Frederick Colton (I30079)
3200 |
Departed Liverpool for Bombay, India on board the City of Paris | Edmonds, Francis Frederick Colton (I30079)